torsdag 16 juli 2009

torsdag, !

now when im in england, i thought i might as well write in english.. hihihi.
Today me and sofia went shoppiiing. We found a lot of nice things. and we ate a piece of cake to, well, i ate half of it, and she ate a big muffin and a piece of cake ;] fatoooo! i like u anyway (A)
I bought some presents to friends to.. haha, before i forget, i wrote something funny from sofias msn to a boy, and then she was suppose to delete it, but she sent it by pressing the wrong button. MOAHAHAHHAHAHA. L-O-S-E-R ;D tonight i guess we'll be playing skipbo or something else. And tomorrow i don't really know what we will do more then buying a present to my friend (A) .. maby go to the cinema or i think my little cusins will be coming to play with us (A) .. hihi. anyway, have nothing more to say, seyoulateeeeeeeeeer!

///// the one and only.... sagapaga! <3

1 kommentar:

  1. vad snäll du är som skriver på engelska så man förstår, hahahah!
